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PhD Programme in Economics

We invite applications for the PhD Programme in Economics by outstanding students who are close to finishing a master’s or bachelor’s degree in economics or a related discipline (e.g. econometrics, business administration, finance) and who are among the top graduates in their current programme. Admission is based on previous academic performance, research potential, expertise, and fit in terms of research interests.

Going through a doctoral programme is a profound and enriching intellectual and personal experience. If you enjoy asking new questions and pushing academic boundaries, you should consider applying to our programme.

Students with a bachelor’s degree enter and apply for the programme via the M.Sc. Economic Research (MSc-Stage). Students holding a master’s degree apply directly to the PhD-Stage. (These students may also apply via the MSc Economic Research, earning an additional master’s degree and thus qualify for the dissertation phase.) There are no tuition or application fees. The PhD-Stage is fully funded. For the MSc stage, a limited number of scholarships is available. For details on programme structure, funding, and our research environment, see PhD Programme.

Please also note that there is an additional funding line for research in Energy Economics (with entry only at the PhD-stage). This involves a separate application process: Please see EWI Fellowship for more information.

Application to the PhD Programme in Economics