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University of Cologne -Cologne Graduate School - Economics

PhD Programme in Economics

MSc Economic Research

The PhD Programme in Economics of the Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics, and Social Sciences (CGS) offers education, funding and supervision for research in all areas of economics and related fields in management, political science, and sociology. It is a challenging and rigorous full-time programme in a friendly, supportive environment dedicated to excellence in research and teaching. Our programme prepares students for academic positions at universities and research institutes, and top-level positions in institutions and the private sector.

The programme integrates a two-year Master's programme (MSc Economic Research) and a subsequent, fully-funded three-year PhD-Stage, with entry to either stage in October of every year.


Research Environment

Our research environment consists of almost 30 senior faculty in the Department of Economics and the Institute of Econometrics and Statistics, with many more junior faculty, post-docs, and other doctoral students, and additional faculty in management, political science and sociology within the University of Cologne's Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences.

Via the Cluster of Excellence: "ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy" we cooperate with the University of Bonn and the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods. Research centers involving our faculty are The Center for Social and Economic Behavior (C-SEB), the Center for Economic Research, the Cologne Laboratory for Economic Research (CLER), and the Key Research Initiatives Behavioural Management Science (BMS), and Sustainable Smart Energy & Mobility. Affiliated research centers are The Institute of Energy Economics and The Institute for Public Economics.

Numerous research seminar series and bag lunches, conferences and workshops hosted by our faculty, and a large offering of courses in topics and methods make our research community vibrant, productive and internationally well-connected. Our graduate students are an integral part of and profit from this community. With ECONtribute's Young ECONtribute Program, we further foster excellence in graduate education. The environment generates many opportunities for collaboration with other senior and junior faculty and with other doctoral students. It enables creative and high-quality research, also at the intersection of different fields.

The Cluster of Excellence “ECONtribute: Markets and Public Policy” brings together outstanding researchers from economics and neighboring disciplines – management, psychology, political science and law – from the Universities of Cologne and Bonn, the Behavior and Inequality Research Institute (briq) and the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, with the goal of establishing a leading international research center on markets & public policy.

The Center for Social and Economic Behavior (C-SEB) at the University of Cologne brings together Cologne-based researchers and international colleagues from economics, management science, and psychology who investigate the fundamental principles and behavioral mechanisms that affect social and economic behavior.

The Key Research Initiative Behavioural Management Science (BMS) brings together researchers that apply methods of behavioural economics and applied microeconometrics to advance our understanding of how management practices influence the behaviour of people in organisations and affect organisational performance.

Programme Structure

The PhD-programme consists of two stages, with entry and application possible at either stage:

  • MSc-Stage:  Students with a Bachelor's degree in Economics or related fields enter the PhD programme by applying to the M.Sc. Economic Research, specifically designed to enable students to conduct high-quality and original research. This two-year, 120 ECTS Master's degree programme is full-time, taught in English, and consists of PhD-level course work and a Master's thesis. After successful completion, students can transfer to the PhD-Stage.
  • PhD-Stage: PhD students work on research projects for their dissertation and interact with other PhD students and faculty members in workshops, seminars, and summer schools. Students holding a Master's degree in Economics or related fields can apply directly to this PhD-Stage. (They may also apply via the MSc Economic Research, earning an additional master’s degree and thus qualify for the PhD stage.) Students generally finish this stage within 3-4 years. If the applicant's Master's degree did not involve a specific research focus in Economics, up to one additional year of course-work may be required (while the student is enrolled in the programme as a doctoral student). This course-work consists of a selection of courses taught in the MSc Economic Research.

Apply now

You can find more information on each stage of the programme below. For the application process, deadlines and requirements for the respective stages, see Application. Please also note that there is an additional funding line for the PhD stage for research in Energy Economics. This involves a separate application process: Please see EWI Fellowship for more information.

MSc Economic Research (MSc-Stage)

The M.Sc. Economic Research at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne (UoC) is a two-years (120 ETCS) on-site programme fully taught in English, consisting of intensive PhD-level coursework and a Master's thesis. The annual (October) in-take is 15 to18 students.

The programme prepares students for high-quality research in economics, by providing thorough, up-to-date knowledge of economic theory, econometric methodology, data analysis, and empirical and experimental strategies; and applying these to our research environment's areas of expertise. Appropriate academic supervision guides students to carry out original research and to become independent researchers. Our extensive, engaging and multi-disciplinary environment supports students in starting to develop their own research networks.

PhD Stage

Students entering the PhD Stage via the MSc Economic Research now focus on their dissertation work, joining the research team of their (primary) supervisor.

Other entering students may have to first complete up to one year of course work, depending on credit transfers from their previous studies (The required courses are a selection of courses from the MSc Economic Research, amounting to 60 ECTS). They are matched to a (primary) supervisor during the application / interview process and are hence also embedded in a research unit from the start.

In the PhD Stage, PhD students present regularly present current research projects in internal brown bag seminars and participate in weekly research seminars. Typically, the supervisor's research unit acts as a home base, guiding and structuring students' research, especially via collaboration.  As students progress, they are encouraged and supported to build their own research networks, both within the university's environment and beyond. Students participate in CGS workshops and summer schools and may enrol in field courses. In addition, soft skill courses such as "Academic Writing" and "Teaching Skills" are offered. Conference participiation and research stays are supported both financially and administratively.

Be part of the Cologne experience!