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Living & Studying at the University /in Cologne


Welcome to Cologne! As one of Germany’s oldest cities, Cologne offers a rich cultural history and offering, from its roman heritage and its iconic Cathedral to its lively arts, music, and theater scenes. It’s a city known for the welcoming and tolerant spirit of its one million inhabitants, who some say compensate for the fact that Cologne is not the most beautiful city in Germany:).  Nature is close by, e.g. the Eifel and the Bergisches Land, and public transport networks are dense. For venturing further out, Cologne is also a good start, being a transport hub in western Europe, with the Frankfurt Airport reachable by train in 45 minutes, regular trains to Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Munich, Hamburg, and name a few. You'll find Cologne a dynamic and inspiring place to live, learn, and do research. 


Because it is such an attractive city, especially for students and young professionals, the housing situation in Cologne is unfortunately tense. We therefore strongly recommend you to consult the webpages of the “Studierendenwerk”, the student service provider, as soon as possible. For rooms offered in Cologne`s private sector, the most popular website is The most common webpages for renting a (mostly unfurnished) flat is or The International Office of the University of Cologne also offers the possibility to connect Cologne and international students quickly during the housing search via the following portal:  A private private dorm, very close to the University, and fully furnished is: You can send a request via the website and we advice to also write an email to the main secretary.


The University of Cologne operates several canteens to offer its students a broad range of meals including vegetarian and organic meals. You can find all food related information, e.g. the offered meals for the day and the upcoming week on the websites of the Kölner Studierendenwerk (kstw).


At the University of Cologne, you can access the literature you need from a variety of different sources. However, the largest collection of books, journals and electronic media you can find in the “Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek (USB)”. To get an overview of what is offered and how to, for example, borrow a book, please visit the webpage of the USB.


If you have any IT related problems, be it hard- or software issues, please contact WiSo-IT, the faculty’s  IT service.


Due to a cooperation of the University of Cologne and the German Sport University Cologne, you are offered an excellent selection and great variety of sport classes on and off campus. More information you find on the webpages of the Hochschulsport (for free) and Unisport (small costs). Also, if you want to work out before or after going to your office, the UniFit, which is located next to the Mensa, is a great opportunity to do so.

Cultural Activities

If you are interested in cultural activities, you may have a look at the Calender of Events, which offers an overview of all current guest lectures, theatre performances, musical events, guided tours, exhibitions and much more.

Student Groups

Being enrolled at the University of Cologne does not only mean that you have access to excellent research infrastructure, you can also profit from a very vibrant campus life. There is a large number of student groups ranging from singing groups to debate clubs. An overview of all active groups is given here. Please find overview of all international students associations here.

Social Meeting Points outside the University

Freewalk Cologne:  Freewalk Cologne is the free walking tour in Cologne. Come on a walk through our wonderful city! Get to know the Cologne people and their special way of life, influenced by a colourful mix of cultures over the centuries. Make new friends, see the major sights from a local view and understand why “HOME IS WHERE THE DOM IS". 
Social Melting Pot:  Uniting locals with internationals every Wednesday, 7pm. at Wohngemeinschaft
Let's play! Game Night. Do you like playing board and card games? And do you like getting to know new people? Then the games evening at the Allerweltshaus could be the right thing for you! People from other countries who want to learn German and are looking for new contacts are particularly welcome. 

Family Support

Family Support is the first point of contact at the University of Cologne when it comes to balancing a partnership, family and a career. As a central office for information, advice and services, they support members of the university in achieving and maintaining a good balance between their work and private life.