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Board Members

The Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences is led by the CGS Board. The Board consists of the Vice Dean for Young Scholars, the Academic Directors and their deputies of the doctoral study programmes in Management, Economics and Social Sciences and the CGS manager and meets regularly.

The major task of the CGS Board is safeguarding good standards of graduate education and doctoral supervision in the faculty. As such, the board is responsible for the doctoral study program. Regular meetings of the CGS Board with the Doctoral Council of the Faculty ensure direct communication in the assessment of doctoral students’ needs.

Members of the CGS Board

Hernán Bruno (Academic Director of the study programme in Management)

Felix Bierbrauer (Academic Director of the study programme in Economic Research)

Karsten Hank (Academic Director of the study programme in Social Sciences)

Johannes Münster (Deputy Academic Director of the study programme in Economics)