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Admission and Enrollment

Admission to doctoral studies and enrollment as a doctoral candidate at the University of Cologne are two separate steps that are carried out by two different offices.

First step: Admission to Doctoral Studies

To be admitted to doctoral studies at CGS, you have to provide several documents and forms. You will find a list of necessary document and forms in the Downloads section (“Admission Documents”); please also note Section 4 of the Doctoral Regulations. These documents have to be send to the Central Doctoral Office to Mrs. Greuel. In addition, your application documents have to be handed in electronically via Docfile. The Central Doctoral Office checks and reviews your documents, the Doctoral Committee decides concerning admission. If you have an international degree, please note the information provided by International Office of the University of Cologne.

Second step: Enrollment as Doctoral Student

After you have received admission to doctoral studies, you need to enroll as a doctoral student at the University of Cologne and decide on the specific doctoral study programme (Management, Economics/Economic Research and Social Sciences).

Please note: You have to enroll as student at the University of Cologne (and not at CGS), hence student application is organised via the University Registration Office (Studierendensekretariat). International students must enrol at the International Office. Please consult these webpages for further information regarding the enrollment process.