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Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences

Dissertations and Placement

The years refer to publication of the dissertation.

Name Dissertation Title Chair / Co-chair Placement Current Position


Alfitian, JakobAbsenteeism in the Workplace: Evidence from RetailProf. Dr. Dirk Sliwka / Prof. Dr. Matthias Heinz /Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck InstituteSenior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute
Arnold, FabianEssays in Energy Economics: Incentives and Consumer ResponseProf. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / /  
Bonzelet, SabrinaSupply Chain Analytics: Insights into Contracting and PricingProf. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD / Prof. Dr. Andreas Fügener /  
Brunke, LucaThree Essays on Earnings ForecastingProf. Dr. Dieter Hess / Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schradin /  
Eisl, AndreasThe Politics of Budgetary Constraints. An ideational explanation of the variation in national fiscal frameworks in the eurozone/ Prof. Dr. André Kaiser /  
Endrejat, VanessaOut of Balance, Out of Sight? How the Epistemic Community of Government Finance Statisticians Shapes European Debt CalculationsProf. Dr. Martin Höpner / / Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch  
Gass, Daniel FrederikThe Role of Personality in Product RecallsProf. Dr. Andreas Fügener / Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD /  
Gurbanov, YunisGeopolitics and Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Region after the Downfall of the Soviet UnionProf. Dr. Thomas Jäger / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold /  
Hansen, Philipp ChristianStatistical Methods for the Analysis of Financial RiskProf. Dr. Jörg Breitung / Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied /  
Harrs, SörenEssays on Economic Decision- Making in Times of CrisesProf. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach / /  
Herwix, Alexander LeoToward a Responsible Design Science Research Ecosystem for the Digital Age: A Critical Pragmatist PerspectiveProf. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz / Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder /  
Hidalgo Villacís, Eduardo IvánEssays on the Economics of Indigenous Peoples and Violence in Latin AmericaProf. Dr. Erik Hornung / Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl /  
Hollenberg, JanaZum Stand des Wandels in der öffentlichen Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Verwaltungskul tur und Professionsverständnis in kommunalen JugendämternProf. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Detlef Buschfeld /  
Ibrocevic, EdinThe Scientization of Central Banks/ / Prof. Dr. André Kaiser  
Imran, KhalidEssays in Applied MicroeconomicsProf. Dr. Daniel Wiesen / / Prof. Dr. Reinhard KunzAssistant Professor, Hajee Mohammad Danesh University of Science and TechnologyAssistant Professor, Hajee Mohammad Danesh University of Science and Technology
Kalmes, TimoEssays on Iterative New Product DevelopmentProf. Dr. Fabian J. Sting / /Advisor, Bw Bekleidungsmanagement GmbHAdvisor, Bw Bekleidungsmanagement GmbH
Kemmerling, MichaelBusiness Power in Digital CapitalismProf. Dr. Christine Trampusch / Prof. Dr. Martin Höpner /  
Ketter, MaximilianDas control concept als Inbild der Sphärenabgrenzung in der jüngeren Standardsetzung des International Accounting Standards BoardProf. Michael Stich, PhD / Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch /  
Kiecker, MaximilianThe EU Social Turn from a Nordic perspectiveProf. Dr. Martin Höpner / Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch /  
Kraus, KatinkaÖffentliche Wirtschaft zwischen Daseinsvorsorge und ProfitabilitätProf. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs /  
Krüger, HeikeSocial Ties and Mental Health in Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Insights from Ecological Momentary Assessment and Social Network AnalysisProf. Dr. Clemens Kroneberg / Prof. Dr. Ella Ellwardt /  
Lencz, DominikEssays on the Market Design and Regulation in Energy EconomicsProf. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / /  
Markefke, Theresa FreyaThe Role of Institutions, Firm Wage Policies, and Working Time for Labor Market Prospects of Employees - Essays in Labor EconomicsProf. Michael Krause, PhD / Prof. Dr. Christian Bredemeier /  
Melentyeva, ValentinaEssays in Labor and Gender EconomicsProf. Dr. Sebastian Siegloch / /  
Moldenhauer, Paul JoschkaGenossenschaftliche Gaststätten - Orte des gelingenden Miteinanders?Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs /  
Müller-Rehm, RebekkaEssays on Institutions in Health Care and Labor MarketsProf. Michael Krause, PhD / Prof. Dr. Christian Bredemeier /  
Odrowski, SimonText Mining durch die politikwissenschaftliche Brille. Neue Ansätze für eine sozialwissenschaftlich ausgerichtete und transdisziplinär fundierte Erschließung von Text-as-Data- Verfahren und Big Text DataProf. Dr. Thomas Jäger / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold /  
Peters- Olbrich, MareikeEssays on financial reporting enforcementProf. Michael Stich, PhD / /  
Pietrzyk, IrenaAmbitionierte Bildungsentscheidungen von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund an hohen Bildungsetappen: Beschreiben, Erklären, VerändernProf. Dr. Marita Jacob / Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank /  
Pollmann- Fervers, Philip AloisThe Bright and Dark Sides of Earned Media: Essays on Their Marketing Performance ImpactProf. Dr. Marc Fischer / Prof. Dr. Hernán Bruno /  
Pullan, DanielleThe Gap Between Abortion Policy and Abortion Access in Europe: A Mixed-Methods Comparative StudyProf. Dr. André Kaiser / /  
Reichert, Leon Gerhard AlfredEssays on Tax Avoidance and Tax-Competitiveness of U.S. and European FirmsProf. Dr. Michael Overesch / Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg /  
Reinhardt, Jan LukasEssays on Social CohesionProf. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach / Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels /  
Schleef, JohannesEmpirical analyses of the effects of different quality circle structures on the work and ideation performance of knowledge workersProf. Dr. Fabian J. Sting / Prof. Dr. Matthias Heinz /Controller, igus GmbHController, igus GmbH
Schlund, DavidEssays on the Economics of Hydrogen as an Energy CarrierProf. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / /  
Schmidt, Stefan AlexanderEssays in Behavioral EconomicsProf. Dr. Matthias Sutter / Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels /Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck InstituteSenior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute
Schmitz, WiebkeWorking life and social relationships in old ageProf. Dr. Karsten Hank / Prof. Dr. Ella Ellwardt /  
Schneider, Sebastian LudwigEssays on the attractiveness, role and institutional embeddedness of Polytechnics in the Indian Vocational Education and Training SystemProf. Dr. Matthias Pilz / /  
Schuh, FrederickEssays on the Impact of Natural Disasters on Insurance Stock Value and the Performance of Mutual Insurance in GermanyProf. Dr. Heinrich Schradin / Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess /  
Schuster, FlorianPublic Policy in Financial Markets and Government FinanceProf. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer / Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert /  
Simon, Frederik André HeinrichEssays in Empirical Financial ResearchProf. Dr. Dieter Hess / Prof. Dr. Alexander Kempf /  
Soer, Elizabeth, FredaImaginaries of Freedom: How Imagined Futures Shaped South Africa’s Transition from Apartheid, 1976-1996Prof. Dr. Jens Beckert / Prof. Dr. André Kaiser /  
Thimm, PhilippGenossenschaften als Katalysatoren für das Gemeinwohl Morphologische AspekteProf. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs /  
Vogelsang, Beke AlexandraKooperationen von Akteuren in dualen Ausbildungspraktiken: Gelingensbedingungen am Beispiel des mexikanischen TourismussektorsProf. Dr. Matthias Pilz / Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs /  
Weidlich geb. Fischer, MareikeExploring The Effects of Agile Transformations On LeadershipProf. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz / Prof. Dr. Matthias Heinz /Head of IT Portfolio Management, AXAHead of IT Portfolio Management, AXA
Wildgrube, TheresaEssays on the Economics of Carbon PricingProf. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer /  
Wolf, SimonForecasting a Firm's Future Performance: Three Essays on the Prediction of Earnings, Cash Flows, and BankruptciesProf. Dr. Dieter Hess / Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels /  
Wysietzki, MarcoEssays on Public EconomicsProf. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer / Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert /  
Yücetas, HakanInclusion of immigrants and their children in Europe: analysing gender attitudes and attitudes towards homosexuality/ Prof. Dr. Eldad Davidov /  
Zinke, JonasOn Market Designs for the Transition of Power Systems towards Climate NeutralityProf. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / /  

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Arndt, Hans Lukas Richard Linking Wealth and Power. Unity and Political Action of the World’s Wealthiest Capitalist Families and the Corporate Elite Prof. Dr. Jens Beckert / Prof. Dr. Clemens Kroneberg    
Beckmann, Janina Josephin Gendered Career Decision- Making: Investigating Contexts of Reproduction Prof. Dr. Marita Jacob / Prof. Dr. Ella Ellwardt    
Block, Sidney Thomas Essays on Managerial Decision- Making Prof. Dr. Matthias Heinz / Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka    
Gemmer, Lars Antecedents of ESG-Related Corporate Misconduct: Theoretical Considerations and Machine Learning Applications Prof. Dr. Marc Fischer / Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner    
Gramb, Marius Alexander Essays on Microeconomic Theory Prof. Dr. Christoph Schottmüller / Prof. Dr. Alexander Westkamp Quantitative Risk Manager, Roland Rechtsschutz Quantitative Risk Manager, Roland Rechtsschutz
Holz, Annika Politische Konditionalität in der EU. Vom Aufstieg neuer Governance-Instrumente in den Europäischen Struktur- und Investitionsfonds Prof. Dr. Martin Höpner / Prof. Dr. Miriam Hartlapp    
Hünteler, Bettina Maria Generational Placement Trajectories and Their Associations With Later-Life Well-Being and Wealth Accumulation Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank / Prof. Dr. Thomas Leopold    
Hüttermann, Michael Why and How do Large-scale Organizations Operationalize DevOps Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz / Prof. Dr. Ella Ellwardt    
Kleer, Nicola Jessica Antecedents and Consequences of the Engagement Concept Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kunz / Prof. Dr. Christian Wellbrock    
Lapp, Laurens Oliver Jakob Three Essays on the Value Relevance of Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg / Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch    
Lehmann, Cedric Alexander Thorben Designing Efficient Human- Algorithm Collaboration Implications for Management Practice Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD / Prof. Dr. Nicolas Fugger    
Lenkewitz, Sven Social Networks, School Segregation, and Educational Inequality Prof. Dr. Clemens Kroneberg / Prof. Dr. Marita Jacob    
López Ayala, Tatiana Dolores Labour Control and Union Agency in Gloabal Production Networks: A Case Study of the Bangalore Export Garment Cluster Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs / Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz    
Monteiro, Sofia Gabriela Youngleson The Behavioural Economics of Interventions for Healthier Beliefs, Choices and Outcomes Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter / Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach Postdoc, Kiel Institute for the World Economy Postdoc, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Müller, Mario Sustainability of Open Source Software Projects: On the Influence of Technical Interdependencies in Software Ecosystems on Developer Participation Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz / Prof. Dr. Markus Weinmann    
O'Brien, Daniel The Digital Transformation of the News Media Business – Paid Content and Entrepreneurship in Digital Journalism Prof. Dr. Christian Wellbrock / Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kuntz    
Plugge, Marina ‚Erfolgreich‘ bis ins hohe Alter? Kritische Konzeptualisierung des erfolgreichen Alterns und zentrale Determinanten für die Hochaltrigkeit Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank / Prof. Dr. Michael Wagner    
Posch, Katrin Juliana Die Analyse von Qualitätsindikatoren im Kontext Geflüchteter an berufsbildenden Schulen aus der Perspektive von Schulleitungen Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz / Prof. Dr. Anette Ostendorf    
Priyam, Shambhavi Essays in Behavioral Development Economics Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter / Young Professional - Economist, The World Bank Young Professional - Economist, The World Bank
Püchel, Lea Sabine Presentation, Technology, and Content – Studies on Consumer Behaviour in Journalism Prof. Dr. Christian Wellbrock / Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kunz    
Radke- Arden, Lucas Essays in Monetary Economics Prof. Dr. Johannes Pfeifer / Prof. Michael Krause, PhD Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank
Recker, Clemens Essays on selected regulatory issues of liberal professions Prof. Achim Wambach, PhD / Prof. Michael Krause, PhD Strategie & Transformation, Ministerium der Finanzen des Landes Nordhein Westfalen Strategie & Transformation, Ministerium der Finanzen des Landes Nordhein Westfalen
Rößler, Jannik Optimizing Uplift Modeling to Improve Treatment Assignment Problems Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ketter    
Sarin, Maivand On Discrimination and Responsible Consumption: Essays in Behavioral Economics Prof. Dr. Bernd Irlenbusch / Prof. Dr. Oliver Gürtler Management Consultant, DHL Consulting Management Consultant, Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Schroer, Karsten Smart Sustainable Mobility: Analytics and Algorithms for Next-Generation Mobility Systems Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ketter / Prof. Dr. Markus Weinmann    
Schürmann, Lennart Political Representation and Protest Politics in European Democracies Prof. Dr. Sven-Oliver Proksch / Prof. Dr. Martin Höpner    
Stahlmann, Sven Extracting Customer Needs from Large-Scale Textual Content Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder / Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz    
Stein, Caroline HOW SOCIAL NORMS AND ETHICS SHAPE ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR - Three Essays in Experimental Economics - Prof. Dr. Bernd Irlenbusch / Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter Data Analyst, Neue Zürcher Zeitung Data Scientist, FUNKE
Stenz, Hartmut Jakob Topics in the statistical analysis of rare events and high- dimensional data sets Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung / Prof. Dr. Rainer Dyckerhoff Hochschullehrender, Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung Hochschullehrender, Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung
Struth, Lennart Niklas Essays in Organizational Economics Prof. Dr. Oliver Gürtler / Prof. Dr. Christoph Schottmüller Associate Consultant, b.telligent Consultant, b.telligent
Vogt, Thomas The Role of Incentive Design in Firms. Shaping Employee and Customer Behavior With Non- Monetary and Monetary Incentives Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD / Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka    
Willkomm, Sina Essays on Corporate Tax Avoidance, Sustainability, and Tax Transparency Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch / Prof. Dr. Martin Fochmann    
Wingen, Andrea Ethnic diversity and trust in the school context: When do adolescents trust their peers and people in general? Prof. Dr. Clemens Kroneberg / Prof. Dr. Marita Jacob    
Zenzes, Johanna Maria Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of Behavioral and Environmental Risk Factors on Infants’ Health at Birth: A Causal Machine Learning Approach Prof. Dr. Tom Zimmermann / Prof. Dr. Daniel Wiesen Assistant Professor of Econometrics, University of St. Gallen Assistant Professor of Econometrics, University of St. Gallen

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Abel, Dennis INTERDEPENDENCE IN EU POLYCENTRIC AND MULTI- LEVEL CLIMATE GOVERNANCE Spatial Proximity, Networks, and Policy Diffusion Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch / Prof. Dr. Sven-Oliver Proksch    
Amanatides, Fotios Bessarion der Trapezuntier. Der diplomatische Einfluss des Kaiserreichs von Trapezunt auf das Konzil von Florenz und Ferrara unter Berücksichtigung von Bessarions Lobschrift auf die Heimat Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold / Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger    
Armouti- Hansen, Jesper Essays on The Behavioral Foundations of Choice Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka / Prof. Marco Mariotti, PhD    
Bocklet, Johanna Essays on the Market Design of the EU Emission Trading System Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer Senior Research Consultant, EWI - Universität zu Köln Manager Politics and Regulation, E.ON Deutschland
Breidbach, Beate Edith Der digitale Versicherungsnehmer und die risikogerechte Prämie Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schradin / Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels    
Breuer, Kevin Leonard Essays on Market Design Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels / Prof. Dr. Alexander Westkamp    
Bruns, Anne Selbständige Berufsbetreuer*innen in Spannungsfeldern der Rechtlichen Betreuungstätigkeit - eine qualitative Analyse Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs    
Busch, Hans- Christian Essays on new Approaches to Innovation and Value Creation in the Context of Digital and Sustainable Socio-Technical Change Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs / Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz    
Celebi, Elifcan Gendered Influences on Labor Policies in Turkey Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch / Prof. Dr. Siegrid Leitner    
Chen, Yiqiu Essays on Incentives in Matching Markets Prof. Dr. Alexander Westkamp / Prof. Dr. Christoph Schottmüller Data Scientist, Data Scientist,
Deeg, Franziska Sophie The welfare state as a remedy for the risks of globalization? The effects of trade and migration on individual social policy and welfare deservingness preferences in middle-income countries Prof. Dr. André Kaiser / Prof. Dr. Sarah Berens    
Dreesen, Tim The Impact of Control on Teams in Agile Information Systems Development Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz /    
Dunker, Matthias Bernd Essays on Tax Regulations and Firm Responses Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch / Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg    
Ernst, André Investigating the action- generating mechanisms of rule- breaking: Overcoming methodological challenges in empirical tests of Situational Action Theory and the Code of the Street Prof. Dr. Clemens Kroneberg / Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank    
Farukh, Razi Essays on Credence Goods with Applications to Health Care and News Markets Prof. Dr. Matthias Heinz / Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster    
Fütterer, Katharina Entwicklung institutioneller Verbundstrukturen zwischen Berufskollegs in NRW –eine Fallstudie über das Regionale Berufsbildungszentrum Dortmund Prof. Dr. Detlef Buschfeld / Prof. Dr. Bernadette Dilger    
Gänser- Stickler, Gertraud Maria Individual-Level Entrepreneurial Behaviors: Essays on Employees’ Entrepreneurial Behavior, Entrepreneurial Entry and Women’s Entrepreneurial Intentions Prof. Dr. Christian Schwens / Prof. Dr. Mark Ebers    
Gattermann- Itschert, Theresa Data-driven decision-making in churn prevention and crew scheduling Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD / Prof. Dr. Andreas Fügener    
Geithner, Luise Soziale Ungleichheit, kulturelle Praxis und Alter(n) Qualitative und quantitative Analysen zu Lebensstilen im hohen Alter Prof. Dr. Michael Wagner / Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank    
Gel, Dincer Die territoriale Herrschaftsorganisation und fiskalpolitische Performanz in den OECD-Ländern Prof. Dr. André Kaiser / Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch    
Gerth, Susanna Maria Educational attainment, school delinquency, and the role of peers Prof. Dr. Clemens Kroneberg / Prof. Dr. Marita Jacob    
Grobecker, Carl Philipp Alexander Essays on Private Equity and Value Creation Levers in European Buyout Transactions Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels / Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schradin    
Haubitz, Christiane Bettina Supply Chain Analytics for Inventory Management Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD / Prof. Dr. Andreas Fügener    
Hinkel, Niklas Quantitative Essays on Resource and Energy Economics Prof. Dr. Van Anh Vuong / Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied System Analysis Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied System Analysis
Hinze, Tobias Kasimir Essays on Consumer Behavior in Digital and Sustainable Marketing Environments Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner / Prof. Dr. Martin P. Fritze    
Hofmeister, Christian Frank Business Cases in der Hochschullehre - eine Analyse des didaktischen Designs betriebswirtschaftlicher Fallstudien Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz / Prof. Dr. Sascha Albers    
Hübner, Wiebke The Interplay of Immigrant Integration and Naturalization Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank / Prof. Dr. Clemens Kroneberg    
Kaftan, Lea Who Cares about Democracy? And Why? European Citizens´ and Parties´ Attitudes towards Democracy Prof. Dr. André Kaiser / Prof. Dr. Sven-Oliver Proksch    
Kaldorf, Matthias Christopher Essays on Macroeconomics, Collateral, and Default Risk Prof. Dr. Martin Barbie / Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank
Laubach, Oliver Essays on Quantitative Investment Analysis Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels / Prof. Dr. Alexander Kempf    
Lesmeister, Simon Essays on Governance of Corporations and Mutual Funds Prof. Dr. Peter Limbach / Prof. Dr. Alexander Kempf    
Lim, Taehun Die Auswirkungen der Opiumkriege (1839-42 und 1856-60) auf die Modernisierung der Weltordnung Ostasiens. Eine These zur Kollision der Weltordnungen Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold    
Lins, Sebastian Unveiling and Enhancing the Effectiveness of Information System Certifications Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz / Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev    
Machinek, Matthias Linking of Emissions Trading Schemes -Conditions for solid international cooperation to mitigate emissions- Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold    
Martignoni, Jens Ansätze zur Entwicklung eines neuen Vollgenossenschaftsmodells mit integrierter Währung. Ein Vorschlag für eine wirkungsvolle Genossenschaftsform mit Beiträgen zu einer positiven sozialistischen Wirtschaftslehre Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs    
Metzger, Lisa Maria Vernetztes Wohnen - Anforderungen an strategische Netzwerke zur Intensivierung der Vernetzung im Wohnquartier Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs    
Möller, Markus Essays on Matching Markets Prof. Dr. Alexander Westkamp / Prof. Dr. Christoph Schottmüller Visiting Scholar, Boston College Postdoc, University of Bonn
Niehaus, Ines Marina THREE CONTRIBUTIONS TO HEALTH POLICY MEASURES IN GERMANY Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kunz    
O’Brien, Daniel The Digital Transformation of the News Media Business – Paid Content and Entrepreneurship in Digital Journalism Prof. Dr. Christian Wellbrock / Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kunz    
Orthaus, Selina Marie Angelina Essays on the institutional environment of international standard-setting Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch / Prof. Dr. Christoph Pelger    
Paschmann, Jens Wilhelm Essays on Digital Customer Engagement with New Technologies Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner / Prof. Dr. Henrik Sattler    
Plitsch, Max Essays on the Expected and Unexpected Effects of a Major Tax Reform Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch / Prof. Michael Stich, PhD    
Pool, Hannah Katharina ´Doing the Game`. The Moral Economy of Coming to Europe Prof. Dr. Jens Beckert / Prof. Dr. Clemens Kroneberg    
Pradel, Franziska Biased political information in search engines and their effects Prof. Dr. Sven-Oliver Proksch / Prof. Ingo Rohlfing, PhD    
Reh, Laura Annabelle Dynamic Modeling and Forecasting of Financial Portfolio Weights Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld / Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung Treasury Risk Analysis and Data Science, Bayer Treasury Risk Analysis and Data Science, Bayer
Reinermann, Holger The Only Way is All the Way? The Dimensionality of Party Competition and the Functionality of the Left-Right Dimension as an Information Shortcut for Voters Prof. Dr. André Kaiser / Prof. Dr. Clemens Kroneberg    
Reinhard, Julia Beatrix Quantitative Information and Consumer Decision Making Prof. Dr. Hernán Bruno / Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner    
Runge, Steffen Outcomes of Coopetition: Relational Rents, Invention Performance, and Knowledge Acquisition Prof. Dr. Christian Schwens / Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz    
Saldivia Gonzatti, Daniel Felipe Statewide and Regionalist Parties' Perspectives in the Long-Term Dynamics of Decentralization Prof. Dr. André Kaiser / Prof. Dr. Sven-Oliver Proksch    
Salicath, Daniel Working Title: Essays in Behavioral Economics Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter / Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods Senior Advisor, Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
Schöndeling, Andrea Advertising Elasticities and the Effectiveness of New Marketing Strategies Prof. Dr. André Kaiser / Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner    
Schubert, Marcel Henrik Behavioral Economics & Machine Learning. Expanding the Field Through a New Lens Prof. Dr. Martin Fochmann / Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Engel    
Schwalbach, Jan Malte Structuring Legislative Behavior - How Institutions Shape Political Interaction in Parliament and Beyond Prof. Ingo Rohlfing, PhD / Prof. Dr. Sven-Oliver Proksch    
Sukonnik, Galina Three Essays on Delegated Asset Management Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels / Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess    
Ulmer, Melissa ESSAYS ON SAFETY IN GERMAN NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE UNITS Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kuntz / Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt    
Uwamariya, Marthe Determinants of Mobile Commerce Adoption in Developing Countries: Evidence from Rwanda Prof. Dr. Claudia Loebbecke / Prof. Dr. Christian Wellbrock    
Vater, Tim Gustav Three Essays on Earnings Forecasts and Their Relation to Bankruptcy Risk and Earnings Management Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess / Prof. Dr. Miriam Hartlapp    
Vogel, Marius Essays in Public Economics Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer / Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster Referent, Wissenschaftsrat Tax Policy Advisor, Fraktion DIE LINKE. im Bundestag
Vogel, Stephan De/centralisation and Regional Policy-Making in Federations. Concepts, Measurement, Patterns and Predictors Prof. Dr. André Kaiser / Prof. Ingo Rohlfing, PhD    
Wäckerle, Jens The Representation of Women in European Politics Prof. Dr. Sven-Oliver Proksch / Prof. Ingo Rohlfing, PhD    
Walheiser, Dennis The Contextual Role of Organizational Structure: Essays in Product Innovation, Strategy Formation, and Opportunity Exploitation Prof. Dr. Christian Schwens / Prof. Dr. Mark Ebers    
Warren, Jerome Nikolai The Cooperative Economy: Toward a Stakeholder-led Democracy Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs    
Wicknig, Florian Essays in Monetary and Financial Economics Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert / Prof. Michael Krause, PhD Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank Economist, European Central Bank
Wiemann, Judith Heide Geographies of Practice Transfer - A practice theoretical approach to the transfer of training practices within German multinational enterprises to China, India, and Mexico Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs / Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz    
Wittek, Mark Interpersonal Status Systems. An Inquiry into Social Networks and Status Dynamics in Schools, Science, and Hollywood Prof. Dr. Clemens Kroneberg / Dr. H Kruse    
Zeiß, Roman Circular Economy in the Digital Age - How Information Systems Can Advance Sustainable Consumption and Production Prof. Dr. Jan Recker / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ketter    

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Armouti- Hansen, Jesper Essays on The Behavioral Foundations of Choice Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka / Prof. Marco Mariotti, PhD    
Bartenstein, Aline The Concept of Solidarity. Energy Policy in the European Union (Nomos) Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels / Prof. Dr. André Kaiser    
Becker, Charlotte Clara Migrant's integration: Analyzing attitudes towards immigrants and national identification Prof. Dr. Eldad Davidov /    
Betz, Dirk Das Ende von Rational Choice? Zur Leistungsfähigkeit der Rational-Choice Theorie Prof. Dr. André Kaiser /    
Blens, Michael Cognitive processes and self- regulation strategies in consumer credit decision making Prof. Dr. Erik Hölzl / Prof. Dr. Detlef Fetchenhauer    
Breustedt, Wiebke Improving the Measurement Validity of Quantitative Empirical Assessments of Democracy. Recommendations for Future Comparative Research on the Quality of Democracy and Political Support Prof. Dr. André Kaiser /    
Brunen, Ann- Christine Essays on Investor Preferences Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels / Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schradin    
Büker, Laura Lernorientierte Curriculum- und Unterrichtsentwicklung in schulischen Netzwerken - Rekonstruktion und Anlayse von Implementations- prozessen an Schulen aus der Sicht von Lehrer_innen Prof. Dr. Nicole Naeve-Stoß / Prof. Dr. Detlef Buschfeld    
Cam, Eren Essays on the Economics of Energy Systems and Markets Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / PD Dr. Dietmar Lindenberger Senior Research Consultant & Head of Energy Commodities Energy Analyst, International Energy Agency
Cremer, Stefan Technology-Enabled Transformation of Platform- Mediated Business and Consumption Prof. Dr. Claudia Loebbecke / Prof. Dr. André Marchand    
Derckx, Patrick Michael Gestaltung und Evaluation eines Entscheidungsunterstützungss ystems für die Disposition im Lademittelmanagement der Luftfahrtindustrie aus einer Mensch-Maschine Symbiose Perspektive Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder / Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz    
Eilermann, Kerstin Essays on Behavioral Healthcare (Operations) Management Prof. Dr. Daniel Wiesen / Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kuntz    
Fugger, Carina Experiments on Climate Change Mitigation Prof. Achim Wambach, PhD / Prof. Dr. Oliver Gürtler Specialist - Strategy and Transformation, Zurich Insurance Specialist - Strategy and Transformation, Zurich Insurance
Groß, Mona Nadia Hermine Four Contributions to Experimental Health Economics Prof. Dr. Daniel Wiesen / Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kunz    
Hartkopf, Jan Patrick Modeling and Forecasting of Realized Covariance Matrices of Asset Returns using State- Space Models Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld / Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung Risk Model Developer & Project Lead, parcIT GMBH Senior Data Scientist, AXA
Hartmann, Anna Anja Brigitte Essays on Macroeconomics and Labor Markets Prof. Michael Krause, PhD / Prof. Dr. Christian Bredemeier    
Hasanov, Samir Imperiales Erbe? Machtpolitische Ambitionen Russlands im Südkaukasus zwischen 1992 und 2014 Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold    
Hees, Alexandra Eine ""grüne"" Zukunft für Kunststoffe? Die Entwicklung von Märkten für Biokunststoffe Prof. Dr. Jens Beckert /    
Hennel, Phil Putting the ""Socio"" in Socio- Technical Development: Investigating the Effects of Psychological Safety in Agile Information Systems Development Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz / Prof. Dr. Jan Recker    
Heyer, Thilo Internationalisation into developing countries - Non- governmental organisations as potential collaboration partners Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Delfmann / Prof. Dr. Bernd Irlenbusch    
Hintermayer, Martin Otto On the Theory of Emissions Trading - Applications to the EU ETS , Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer Senior Consultant, Roland Berger Chief of Staff Regulated & Infrastructure, Roland Berger
Hoppe, André An Empirical Analysis of Cost Structures and Cost Behavior Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg / Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kuntz    
Just, Lisa Essays on Electricity Market Design and the Regulation of Distribution Networks Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / Prof. Dr. Christoph Schottmüller Senior Research Consultant, EWI - Universität zu Köln Senior Research Consultant, EWI - Universität zu Köln
Kölle, Tobias Enhancing Tax Compliance of Individuals: Effective Audit Systems and Anti-Tax- Evasion Mechanisms Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch /    
Kraken, Franziska Organizational Openness Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder /    
Kund, Arndt- Gerrit Essays on Systemic Risk and Financial Stability Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels / Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess    
Küpper, Denise Marie Essays on Digintal Interactions in Marketing Contexts Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner /    
Labazova, Olga BLOCKCHAIN APPLICATION IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH. From Hype to the Framework of Blockchain Decisions Prof. Dr. Claudia Loebbecke / Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz    
Lenz, Lisa Essays on the Impact of Social Embeddedness on Social Preferences, Beliefs and Pro-Social Behavior Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka / Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Engel    
Menke, Christoph Die Wertschöpfung von Messeveranstaltern unter dem Einfluss der Digitalisierung Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Delfmann / Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner    
Mertesacker, Sebastian Essays on the Empirical Analysis of Residential Energy Demand Prof. Dr. Van Anh Vuong / Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster Analyst, Frontier Economics Economic Consultant, Frontier Economics
Moreno, Guadalupe Working fictions of money: the making of currency (dis)trust in Argentinia (1880- 2020) Prof. Dr. Jens Beckert /    
Mouritz, Frank The Influence of Economic Interdependence on US- China Relations: An Analysis of Economic Incentives for Continued Cooperation Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger /    
Peitzmeier, Claudia Essays on Performance of Actively Managed Mutual Funds Prof. Dr. Alexander Kempf / Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess    
Piepenburg, Joachim Gottfried Decision-Making in Higher Education The Impact of Information on Study Program Decisions and How it Relates to Dropout Prof. Dr. Marita Jacob / Prof. Dr. Clemens Kroneberg    
Pöhls, Katharina Nonreligiosity and Life Satisfaction:Reexamining a Supposedly Negative Relationship Prof. Dr. Detlef Fetchenhauer /    
Reinl, Ann- Kathrin Transnational Solidarity in Times of Crises Prof. Dr. Alexia Katsanidou / Prof. Dr. Eldad Davidov    
Riefer, Felix Russlands Aussenpolitik unter Putin 2000-2018. Welchen Einfluss haben russische Think Tanks auf die auswärtige Politikgestaltung des Kremls? Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold    
Rugilo, Daniel Essays on Financial Accounting and Prudential Banking Regulation Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels / Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch    
Salaris, Jeffrey Eine Kausalanalyse von Erwartungen und ihren Einflussfaktoren im Kontext der Qualitätsbeurteilung von Altersvorsorgeberatung Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schradin / Prof. Dr. Werner Reinartz    
Schick, Roman Raimond Understanding Corporate Payouts and Asymmetric Cost Behavior Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg / Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess    
Schmid, Lisa Work, divorce and post- marital living arrangements in Germany: the role of stress, couples` division of labor and alternative partnerships Prof. Dr. Michael Wagner / Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank    
Schmidt, Lukas On Market Designs for Emission Reduction - Interplay of Carbon and Power Market Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge /    
Schneider, Cornelius Johannes Franziskus Three Essays on Experimental Public Economics Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer / Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Engel Postdoc, Universität Mannheim Postdoc, Universität Mannheim
Schwerdt- feger, Rouven Wulf Brand Management in the Entertainment Industry Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner / Prof. Dr. Hernán Bruno    
Siuda, Sebastian Alexander Essays on Interpersonal Trust and Trustworthiness Detection Prof. Dr. Detlef Fetchenhauer /    
Spindel- dreher, Kai Clashing Orders of Worth in the Sharing Economy Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder /    
Tisch, Daria Perceptions of Gender Wealth Inequalities within the Family /    
Türk, Sarah The Role of Passion and Human Capital in (Social) Entrepreneurship Prof. Dr. Christian Schwens / Prof. Dr. Mark Ebers    
Umbach, Simon Lineu Macroeconomic Forecasting and Evaluation with Supervised and Neural Network Reinforced Factor Models Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung / Data Scientist, AXA Head of Data Analytics, AXA
Wiedner, Jonas Against the Odds. Education-to-job matches and less-educated workers` pathways into success / Prof. Dr. Marita Jacob    
Zenner- Höffkes, Lea Das Klagelied vom schlechten Bewerber Historische Wurzeln und aktuelle Bezüge der Diskussion um mangelnde Ausbildungsreife in Deutschland und England im Vergleich Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz /    
Zheng, Liang The Development of the Democratic Ideas in the Late Ming Dynasty Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold / Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger    

Top of Page


Ackfeld, Viola Sophia Essays on Repugnancein Economic Transactions Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels /    
Berkmann, Manuel Essays on Customer Engagement Strategies and Tactics in Business and Consumer Markets Prof. Dr. Werner Reinartz /    
Bernau, Patrick Learning. Giving. Teaming Up. Essays in Economic Decision Experiments Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter /    
Blens, Michael Cognitive processes and self-regulation strategies in consumer credit decision mak- ing Prof. Dr. Erik Hölzl /    
Einhorn, Laura Food, classed? Social inequality and diet: Understanding stratified meat consumption patterns in Germany /    
Eisentraut, Marcus Einstellungen zu Minderheiten in Deutschland: Zur Rolle von ideologischen Einstel- lungen und Werten bei der Erklärung von Vorurteilen Prof. Dr. Eldad Davidov /    
Ertin, Deniz Prä-legislatives Lobbying in der Europäischen Union-Beteiligung der Interessenorga- nisationen im Bereich der Klima-und Bankenpolitik (Beobachtungszeitraum: 2010– 2018) Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels /    
Eschenröder, Tjark Christopher Essays on Secondary Buyouts Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels /    
Föll, Tobias Essays in Labor Economics and Labor Market Policy Prof. Michael Krause, PhD /    
Guo, Henan Lehr-Lern-Prozess an deutschen und chinesischen berufsbildenden Schulen im Ver- gleich: Eine koordinierende Unterrichtsbeobachtung Studie Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz /    
Gushchina, Kristina Women’s Political Representation in East-European Post-Communist and Post-So- viet Countries: Macro- and Micro-Level Analysis of the Factors of Election to the Na- tional and Regional Legislatures Prof. Dr. André Kaiser /    
Hausladen, Carina Ines Behavioral Economics - Enhanced: Machine Learning and Decision-Making Prof. Dr. Martin Fochmann /    
Hees, Alexandra Eine ""grüne"" Zukunft für Kunststoffe? Die Entwicklung von Märkten für Biokunststoffe Prof. Dr. Jens Beckert /    
Hendriock, Mario Three Essays on Performance in Active Asset Management Prof. Dr. Alexander Kempf /    
Heyer, Thilo Internationalisation into developing countries. Non-governmental organisations as potential collaboration partners Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Delfmann /    
Imanto, Christopher Paulus Essays on Improvements to the Regulatory CapitalFramework for Credit Risk Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels /    
Kerkhof, Anna-Kristina Essays in Media Economics Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster /    
Kölle, Tobias Julian Enhancing Tax Compliance of Individuals: Effective Audit Systems and Anti-Tax-Eva- sion Mechanisms Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch /    
Kutzker, Tim Specification Testing in Econometric Models Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied /    
Labazova, Olga Blockchain application in information systems research Prof. Dr. Claudia Loebbecke /    
Lansing, Jens IS Certifications: Structure, Evaluation Process, and Impact on Trust and Decisions Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka /    
Lenz, Lisa Christin Essays on the Impact of Social Embeddedness on Social Preferences, Beliefs and Pro-Social Behavior Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka /    
Löbbing, Jonas Essays on Economic Inequality Prof. Dr. Peter Funk /    
Loenser, Christian Essays on Monetary Policy and Financial Regulation Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert /    
Lukner, Annkatrin Kapitalmanagement von Versicherungsunternehmen Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schradin /    
Mäcken, Jana Antecedents and consequences of retirement: The role of health, work-related stress, and education. Prof. Dr. Ella Ellwardt /    
Menke, Dipl.-Volksw. Christoph Die Wertschöpfung von Messeveranstaltern unter dem Einfluss der Digitalisierung Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Delfmann /    
Mertens, Armin Business Power in European Politics Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch /    
Moreno, Guadalupe Working fictions of money: the making of currency (dis)trust in Argentinia (1880- 2020) Prof. Dr. Jens Beckert /    
Mouritz, Frank The Influence of Economic Interdependence on US-China Relations: An Analysis of Economic Incentives for Continued Cooperation Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger /    
Nann, Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Stefan Predictive Analytics on Emotional Data Mined from Digital Social Networks with a Fo- cus on Financial Markets Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder /    
Otten, Michael Risikotragfähigkeitsanalyse von Leasinggesellschaften unter Berücksichtigung der Substanzwertrechnung - Betrachtung und Analyse des Zeitraums von 2011 bis 2018 Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels /    
Özev, Mevlüt Religion und Außenpolitik. Der Islam in der Außenpolitik nahöstlicher Regional- mächte Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger /    
Petras, Matthias Essays on Selected Issues of Post-Crisis Banking. Regulation, Profitability, and Risk Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels /    
Petters, Leo The Economics of Bahavior ‐ Essays on the Organizational Effects of Identification, Wage Expectations, and Fairness Concerns Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka / Prof. Dr. Matthias Heinz    
Plum, Britta Three Essays on Retrospective Adjustments to Financial Statements and Outlier Treatment in Accounting & Finance Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess /    
Pöhls, Katharina Nonreligiosity and Life Satisfaction: Reexamining a Supposedly Negative Relation- ship Prof. Dr. Detlef Fetchenhauer /    
Rählmann, Christian Flexibility and Robustness in Railway Crew Scheduling Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD /    
Riefer, Felix Russlands Aussenpolitik unter Putin 2000-2018. Welchen Einfluss haben russische Think Tanks auf die auswärtige Politikgestaltung des Kremls? Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger /    
Tessmann, Jannes The Embeddedness of Global Value Chains. Institutions and Value Chain Restructur- ing in the Cashew Industries of India and Ivory Coast Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs /    
Thomas, Anja The European Integration Paradox Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels /    
Tonhäuser, Valeria Anti-Corruption Regulation of Political Finance and Conflict of Interest. A Conceptual Framework and Analysis of its Development Prof. Dr. André Kaiser /    
Verrina, Eugenio Essays on Moral and Ethical Behavior in Experimental Economics Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach /    
Vogelsang, Timo Management Practices and Employee Performance - Causal Evidence form Field- and Laboratory ExperimentsManagement Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka /    
Völkel, Michael Stochastic optimization methods for supply chains with perishable products Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD /    
Wagener, Felix Advances in Railway Crew Rescheduling Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD /    
Waning, Djarban David Three Essays on Outlier Treatment in Accounting & Finance and Little r Restate- ments Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess /    
Wichmann, Julian Raphael Klaus The Evolving Brand-Consumer Relationship - The Impact of Business Cycles, Digital Platforms, and New Advertising Technologies Prof. Dr. Werner Reinartz /    
Wolff, Hubertus Carl Essays on the Measurement of Corporate Tax Avoicance and the Effects of Tax Transparency Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch / Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner    
Zenner-Höffkes, Lea J. B. Das Klagelied vom schlechten Bewerber. Historische Wurzeln und aktuelle Bezüge der Diskussion um mangelnde Ausbildungsreife in Deutschland und England im Ver- gleich Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz /    
Zhu, Dipl.-Kauffrau Jing Ertragsteuerneutralität der Umstrukturierungsbesteuerung bei Kapitalgesellschaften in China Prof. Dr. Norbert Herzig /    

Top of Page


Arslantas, Düzgün Clientelism and Dominance: Evidence from Turkey Prof. Dr. André Kaiser /    
Baehr, Dirk Der Weg in den Jihad – Radikalisierungsursachen von Jihadisten in Deutschland Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold    
Becker, Fabian Essays On the Optimal Interplay of Early and Late Education Subsidies and Taxation Prof. Dr. Alexander Ludwig / Prof. Dr. Martin Barbie    
Beckmann, Paul A Structural Perspective on Voter-Party Linkages: The Political Implications of Housing and the Economy Prof. Dr. André Kaiser /    
Beiler, Hendrik Essays on the Economics of Entrepreneurship Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl / Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka    
Bertram, Astrid Gruppeninternes Outsourcing bei Versicherungsunternehmen nach Solvency II Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schradin / Prof. Dr. Mark Ebers    
Biniossek, Claudia Prosoziales Verhalten in großen Gruppen Prof. Dr. Detlef Fetchenhauer / Prof. Dr. Jeanette Brosig-Koch    
Chardey, Benjamin Kodjo Migration im Prozess institutioneller Verarbeitung am Beispiel internationaler Studierender zwischen Aufenthaltsbedingungs- und Studienabbruchängsten Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Detlef Buschfeld    
Danwitz, Simon von Essays on the Management and Governance of Inter-Firm Projects Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Delfmann / Prof. Dr. Mark Ebers    
Depo, Bogdana Goliath versus Goliath: EU Democracy Promotion in the Eastern Neighbourhood and Russia’s Alternative Agenda Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels /    
Diersch, Verena ‘Culture, Cooperation, Capabilities‘. Internationale Geheimdienstkooperation und europoäische Polizeikoope- ration im Spannungsfeld von Legitimität und Effektivität Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold    
Döppner, Daniel Alexander Designing Human-Machine Symbiosis for Real-Time Dynamic Decision-Making in Air Cargo Logistics Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder / Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Delfmann    
Eckernkemper, Tobias Distributional Modeling of Financial Systemic Risk and Income Data Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld / Prof. Dr. Oliver Grothe    
Eppmann, René Essays on Gamification and Gamified Customer Experiences Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner / Prof. Dr. André Marchand    
Gao, Fangjian The Meaningful Use of Cloud Computing in Healthcare Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev / Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kuntz    
Gollan, Christina Ines Access to outpatient health care services in rural India – The contribution of health microinsurance / Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt    
Han, Yu The Roles of Demographic Changes on Labor Market Dynamics and Consumption Inequality Prof. Michael Krause, PhD / Prof. Dr. Johannes Pfeifer    
Haubrich Seco, Carlos Miguel The EU as a region - Builder Beyond its Borders? An analysis of the EU's promotion of regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and Mercosur Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels /    
Höller, Simon Johannes Advances in Spare Parts Inventory Management: Order Expediting and Reverse Logistics Models Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD / Prof. Dr. Horst Tempelmeier    
Hüttemann, Martin Three Essays on Corporate Bankruptcies and their Prediction Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess /    
Jünger, Stefan Using Georeferenced Data in Social Science Survey Research. The Method of Spatial Linking and Its Application with the German General Social Survey and the GESIS Panel Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank / Prof. Dr. Alexia Katsanidou    
Kiell, Guido Entscheidungs-Frames und Framing-Effekte: Varianten, Wirkungen und psychologische Ursachen Prof. Dr. Detlef Fetchenhauer /    
Klein, Klemens Essays on antecendents, contingencies, and consequences of market entry in the airline industry Prof. Dr. Mark Ebers / Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Delfmann    
Lepper, Katja Social Accounting in der Theorie und in der Wohnungsgenossenschaftlichen Praxis Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Detlef Buschfeld    
Linden, Peter Robert The Impact of Advisors on Clients and Vendors in Information Technology Outsourcing Projects Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz /    
Lorsbach, Tobias Three Essays on the Performance of Earnings Forecasts, Bankruptcy Predictions and Textual Analysis Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess /    
Maahs, Ina- Maria Die Utopie als Produkt menschlicher Kreativität und ihre aktuelle gesellschaftspolitische Bedeutung Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold / Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger    
Mass, Helene Robust Behavior in Auctions Prof. Achim Wambach, PhD / Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer Postdoc, Universität Bonn Assistant Professor, University of Vienna
Mindlina, Julia Performance analysis of stochastic flow lines with limited material supply Prof. Dr. Horst Tempelmeier / Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD    
Ophey, Kristina Organization In and As Politics. How Organizaitonal (Re)Form Affects Core Executives´ Internal Coordination and Policy Output in the European Commission Prof. Dr. André Kaiser /    
Oster, Daniel Soziale Netzwerke als Dimension der Unternehmensorganisation Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder /    
Otto, Sven Three Essays on Structural Stability of Time Series Models Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung / Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied Postdoc, Universität Bonn Assistant Professor, Universität zu Köln
Peter, Jakob Essays on the Economics of Renewable Energy and Cross- Sectoral Decarbonization Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / PD Dr. Dietmar Lindenberger Senior Manager, Enertrag AG / CAPHENIA GmbH Generalsekretär, Expertenrat für Klimafragen
Praxmarer, Matthias The role of social cues and social reference points in economic decision-making Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach / Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter Senior Research Fellow Behavioral Economics, Max Planck Society Controlling, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG
Reum, Nicolas Qualifizierungspraktiken von Unternehmen der Elektroindustrie vor dem Hintergrund qualifikatorischer Passungsprobleme in ausgewählten Regionen Deutschlands, Polens und den Niederlanden Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs / Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz    
Richter, Janek The Relationship Between Information Systems and Organizational Agility Prof. Dr. Werner Mellis / Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz    
Ritschel, Alexander Social Preference, Behavioral Rules, and Response Time Prof. Dr. Carlos Alós-Ferrer / Prof. Dr. Erik Hölzl    
Röth, Leon Political Parties and the Market: Towards a Comparable Assessment of Market Liberalism Prof. Dr. André Kaiser /    
Sailer, Anna- Sophie Open Strategy and Holistic Theories: Cumulative Doctoral Thesis Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder / Prof. Dr. Christoph Rosenkranz    
Sanzharovets, Kristina Die politischen Eliten in der Ukraine von der Bildung des sowjetukrainischen Staates im Jahr 1922 bis heute Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger /    
Saxler, David Behavior in Everyday Life. Experimental evidence on collaborative cheating, social responsibility and risk aversion Prof. Dr. Bernd Irlenbusch / Prof. Dr. Matthias Heinz    
Schimmele, Clemens Zur Organisation demokratischer Unternehmen: Selbstfinanzierung und Aufnahme neuer Mitglieder in sieben amerikanischen Produktivgenossenschaften Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs    
Schröder, Mirja EU Gas Supply Security Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels /    
Schulte, Simon Essays on Supply Diversification of the European Natural Gas Market Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / PD Dr. Dietmar Lindenberger Manager & Head of Gas Markets, EWI - Universität zu Köln Head of Business Development - Hydrogen Germany, Uniper
Schulz, Michael Essays on Consumer Reactions to Product Development Communication Prof. Dr. Franziska Völckner /    
Sirmasac, Hakan Prozesse – Strukturen – Theorien Philosophische Distinktionen und wissenschaftliche Analytik nach Louis Althusser Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold    
Stark, Florian Detecting Structural Breaks in Factor Copula Models and in Vectors of Dependence Measures Prof. Dr. Dominik Wied /    
Thenée, Frederik Essays on Entry Costs and the Firm Population Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl / Prof. Dr. Matthias Heinz Postdoc, Universität zu Köln  
Tonke, Sebastian Using Behavioral Interventions to Foster Resource Sustainability Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach / Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Society Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Society
Untertrifaller, Anna Cooperation, Diligence, and Ethical Behavior: Four Essays in Experimental Economics Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter / Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach    
Viehmann, Johannes Essays on market design and strategic behavior in short-term power markets Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / Prof. Dr. Felix Höffler    
Vieira Alfinito, Ana Carolina Social Movement and Institutional Change Prof. Dr. André Kaiser /    
Wiemann, Kristina Nicole Qualifizierungspraxis deutscher Produktionsunternehmen in China, Indien und Mexiko. Eine Analyse der Übertragbarkeit dualer Ausbildungsansätze Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz / Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs    
Wigger, Christoph Essays on the Impact of Skilled Immigration on Innovation Prof. Dr. Susanne Prantl / Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung    
Wirths, Oliver Business Model Innovation in the Aerospace Industry Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Delfmann / Prof. Dr. Werner Reinartz    
Wörn, Jonathan Social Determinants of Cognitive Functioning and Its Development in Old Age: The Role of Education, Spousal Loss and Neighborhoods in a Longitudinal Perspective Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank / Prof. Dr. Ella Ellwardt    

Top of Page


Asfuroglu, Dila Essays on Inflation in Emerging Markets and Developing Countries Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert / Prof. Michael Krause, PhD Instructor, Bogazici University Assistant Professor, MEF University
Bekierman, Jeremias Modeling and Forecasting Asset Volatility Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld / Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess Manager, Deloitte Senior Manager, Deloitte
Bendel, Daniel Essays on Monetary Policy, Banking and Business Cycles Prof. Dr. Andreas Schabert / Prof. Dr. Martin Scheffel Data Scientist, eyeo Dozent, Universität Witten Herdecke
Buckenmaier, Johannes Evolution, Bounded Rationality and Institutions Prof. Dr. Carlos Alós-Ferrer / Postdoc, WZB Berlin Social Science Center Postdoc, WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Busch, Kathrin Barbara No Shortcut to Voting. The Limited Influence of Parties’ Left-Right Positions on Voting Behavior Prof. Dr. André Kaiser / Prof. Ingo Rohlfing, PhD    
Cabeza Peréz, Laura Party Strategies and Voting Behaviour in Multi-Level States Prof. Dr. André Kaiser / Prof. Ingo Rohlfing, PhD    
Czymara, Christian Discursive Determinants of Attitudes towards Immigrants: Political Parties and Mass Media as Contextual Sources of Threat Perceptions Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Andreß / Prof. Dr. Eldad Davidov    
Deno, Snjezana Accounting Information in Debt Contracting Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg / Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner    
Drefahl, Christian Essays zum Einfluss der Corporate Governance auf Vorstandsvergütung und Rechnungslegung Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner / Prof. Michael Stich, PhD    
Ekiz, Seyma The Role of EU and Member States in the Arab Spring – Assessment of Interests and EU Grand Strategy in Tunisia and Lybia Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels / Prof. Dr. André Kaiser    
Erlbeck, Anja Demand of Micro Life Insurance in Sri Lanka: Impact of Social Capital and Religion Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schradin / Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt    
Fischer, Mira Essays in Behavioral Economics of Education: Experimental and Empirical Studies on Information, Beliefs, and Educational Decisions Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka / Prof. Dr. Bernd Irlenbusch    
Flore, Raphael Optimal Financing Structures Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer / Economic Consultant, Frontier Economics Economic Consultant, Frontier Economics
Fritz, David Essays on Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Management Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels / Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess    
Gafeeva, Rufina Digital transformation of retail payments- Empirical studies on cashless payment and consumer behavior Prof. Dr. Erik Hölzl /    
Gross, Philip The Political Economy of Public Debt Management: Institutional Setting and Political Influence Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch / Prof. Dr. André Kaiser    
Haveric, Sabina Beyond ethnic voting. Economic and patronage driven electoral mobilization. Prof. Dr. André Kaiser /    
Hering, Annina Tamara Kinder – oder nicht? Geburten in Deutschland im Spannungsfeld unsicherer Partnerschaften und prekärer Beschäftigung Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Streeck / Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank    
Herziger, Atar A Change for Good: Changing Consumerism Through Habits, Motivation, and Support Prof. Dr. Erik Hölzl /    
Hillen, Hendrik Ansgar Essays on Leadership and Quality in German Health Care Organizations Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kuntz /    
Hüsecken, Birgit Challenges in Identifying Effects and Determinants of Corporate Tax Avoidance Prof. Dr. Michael Overesch / Prof. Dr. Christoph Kuhner    
Jaeckel, Falco Nils Carsten Cloud Logistics – Reference Architecture Design Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Delfmann /    
Kanthak, Leon Re-Defining Europe: Decision- Making, Implementation and Support of Economic Policies of the European Union Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch / Prof. Dr. André Kaiser    
Kemper, Thorsten Child Leisure Activities and Skill Development Prof. Dr. Peter Funk / Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung Statistisches Bundesamt  
Krapp, Simon Die erfolgswirksame Ausgestaltung der Logistik in Verbundgruppen: Eine empirische Untersuchung Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Delfmann / Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD    
Lee, Susan Religion, Identity and Adaptation among Children of Immigrants in Four European Countries Prof. Dr. Clemens Kroneberg /    
Löffler, Max Essays in Public and Labor Economics Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer / Economist, ifo Institute Assistant Professor, Maastricht Universität, Post-Doc Universität zu Köln
Lukowitz, Tobias Multirelationale Netzwerkanalyse formaler Organisationsstrukturen Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Delfmann / Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schradin    
Malin, Lydia Johanna Occupational Gender Segregation in Germany. The role of occupational opportunities and constrains for gender differences in aspirations and employment trajectories Prof. Dr. Marita Jacob / Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank    
Mandt, Tobias Dependence in Buyer-Supplier Relationships Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Delfmann / Prof. Dr. Werner Reinartz    
Maucher, Mathias Social services between general interest orientation and market dynamics Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels    
Meuter, Martin Three Essays on the Performance of Earnings Forecasts and Forward-Looking Proxies for Expected Stock Returns Prof. Dr. Dieter Hess / Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels    
Miersch, David Accounting for Risk in Bankruptcy and Lottery-like Firms Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg /    
Moritz, Sebastian System, Beobachtung, Handeln – Theorie und methodenzentrierte Möglichkeitsräume für eine interpretative Resilienforschung? Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs / Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt    
Nußmann, Dominik The Coinsurance Effect of Accounting and Economic Implications Corporate Diversification – An Empirical Analysis of the Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg / Prof. Dr. Martin Fochmann    
Obermüller, Frank Essays on the Efficient Integration of Renewable Energies into Electricity Prof. Dr. Felix Höffler / Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge Economist, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Geschäftsführer, optEnergy Consulting
Paulus, Simon Essays in Energy Economics Prof. Dr. Van Anh Vuong / Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge    
Plank, Philipp Price and Product-Mix Decisions Under Different Cost Systems Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg / Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kuntz    
Ptok, Annette Essays in Marketing Strategy: The Role of Customer Integration, Marketing Metrics, and Advertising Effectiveness Prof. Dr. Werner Reinartz /    
Reimer, Kristina Asymmetric Cost Behavior – Implications for the Credit and Financial Risk of a Firm Prof. Dr. Carsten Homburg / Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann-Wendels    
Rose, Damaris Overcoming the consequences of unemployment. Labor market success and well-being of the unemployed Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Andreß / Prof. Dr. Marita Jacob    
Ruhnke, Simon Dominik Hermann Von Revolution in Military Affairs zu Vernetzte Sicherheit. Die Entwicklung und eingeschränkte Umsetzung des Vernetzungsgedankens in der deutschen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger / Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leidhold    
Schalljo, Martin Managerhandeln im globalen Kontext- Deutungsmuster bei internationalen Unternehmensübernahmen Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs / Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt    
Scheele, Lisa Designing Incentive Systems for Truthful Forecast Information Sharing Within a Firm Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD / Prof. Dr. Fabian J. Sting    
Schielke, Anne Lydia Gisela Providing and Conserving Collective Goods Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach / Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster    
Scholz, Katrin Vorurteil und soziale Identität – Einstellungen zu homosexueller Partner- und Elternschaft Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank /    
Schwan, Michael Debts, Regions and the State. The Political Economy of Financialization Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch / Prof. Dr. Mark Ebers    
Spielau, Alexander Die Politische Ökonomie von Wechselkursanpassungen: Auf- und Abwertungen in Deutschland und Frankreich Prof. Dr. Martin Höpner / Prof. Dr. Christine Trampusch    
Stäbler, Samuel Three Essays on the Positive and Negative Consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility and Irresponsibility / Prof. Dr. Werner Reinartz    
Stangl, Tobias Engineering Better Decision Making. Improving Decisions Through Behavioral Economic Engineering Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, PhD / Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka    
Üblacker, Jan Gentrifizierungsforschung in Deutschland Eine systematische Forschungssynthese der empirischen Befunde zur Aufwertung von Wohngebieten / Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank    
Ungerer, Martin Four Essays on Inequality and Migration Prof. David Jaeger, PhD / Prof. Michael Krause, PhD Big Data Analyst, Deutsche Bahn Fernverkehr AG Advanced Researcher and Graduate Study Coordinator, ZEW
Vetter, Nicole Deutungsmuster sozialer (Bildungs-)Ungleichheit und Agency: Eine längsschnittige Analyse studentischen Bildungsengagements Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz-Nieswandt / Prof. Dr. Martina Fuchs    
Wagner, Johannes Essays on Renewable Energy in Liberalized Electricity Markets Prof. Dr. Felix Höffler / Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge    
Weiser, Florian Four Essays in Imperfections in Energy Markets Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge / Prof. Dr. Felix Höffler    
Zoller, Claudia Essays on fairness, coordination, and diligence – Experimental evidence from children and young adults Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach / Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute Research Advisor, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre

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